Women for Women International
Kenneth, I wanted to make sure you saw this.
There has been intensifying conflict and instability unfolding in Sudan, amid a power struggle between Sudan’s top military leaders. As a result, millions of women and girls are at risk to violence due to isolation from support systems, discrimination, and restricted mobility.
Sign Women for Women International's petition: we cannot stand idly by while these women suffer!
Paid for by Women for Women International. Does not equal endorsement by Daily Kos. By signing this petition you will receive periodic updates on offers and activism opportunities from Daily Kos and Women for Women International. You may unsubscribe at any time. Here's Daily Kos’ privacy policy. |
Here's the last message we sent:
Attribution: United States Agency for International Development Sign now to join Women for Women International and demand urgent aid for women in Sudan! ⇩ SIGN NOW ⇩
Dear Kenneth,
Right now, women in Sudan are in imminent danger.
Over the last several weeks, there has been intensifying conflict and instability unfolding in Sudan, amid a power struggle between Sudan’s top military leaders. As a result, millions of women and girls are at risk to violence due to isolation from support systems, discrimination, and restricted mobility.
Sign Women for Women International's petition: we cannot stand idly by while these women suffer!
ADD YOUR NAME Many have already been killed or wounded, and others are trapped in their homes without access to basic necessities such as electricity, food, and running water. The fighting shows no signs of stopping, and supplies are running low. To make matters worse, climate-related catastrophes like severe flooding and increased droughts have led to the destruction of farmlands and the outbreak of disease like cholera—making it progressively challenging for women to obtain essential resources for survival.
The compounded effects of climate change and conflict have disproportionately devastating consequences for women — Sign Women for Women International's petition, Kenneth: demand urgent aid for women in Sudan!!
Thank you for your support.
— The team at Women for Women International
Paid for by Women for Women International. Does not equal endorsement by Daily Kos. By signing this petition you will receive periodic updates on offers and activism opportunities from Daily Kos and Women for Women International. You may unsubscribe at any time. Here's Daily Kos’ privacy policy. |
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